Monday, May 30, 2011

Apple and Cherry blooms

We are still having very wet weather. Somewhere between the rain my trees were able to bloom. The real quesiton is wether the bees were able to pollinate them. The rain knocks off the peddles, which make the flowers less attractive to the bees. Local orchards are worried that this incessant raining is going to greatly affect their pollination.
Apple Blossom
Cherry Blossom
You can see that some off the cherry blossom pedals are off of the flower. This is because of the heavy rains and some blooms are older than others.

Dandelion blooming right beside the new landing board & slotted rack.
I put on a 3rd box, by mixing some existing frames into the new box. I put in 4 brand new empty frames which I plan to remove to use as a nucleus hive in the future. I also used 9 frames from my 'dead' hives so that the bees can clean off some remaining honey.
3 Box hive
I am working out how to split the hives as cleanly as possible.

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