Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blue Hive bearding... almost

The last two days have been nice and hot. My dad called me up and said that it looked like a lot of bees were trying to get into the hive. In actuality I still have my 1/2 entrance reducer on when the bees could probably be without it. So I removed it.
Lots of bees
It was also a nice day to clean up my old frames which were all dirty from the dead hives. The one hive was stuck in so they ended up pooping in the hive. I took the frames and scrapped them clean with my hive tool and then used soapy water and rinse water to clean them off. They now look as good as new!
Cleaned up frames
 On a separate note, the resident killdeers are back to their same nesting spot. Look how beautiful their eggs are! I did not touch them, what an awesome way to position them.
Killdeer eggs: Beautiful!
I also found a bumblebee nest. It is under my driveway. I will have to keep an eye on them.

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