Friday, April 2, 2010

New home for the single boxed hives

Last night I blocked the entrances for the single box hive so that they could not get out come morning time. This morning at 7 I loaded up the hives and drove down to my parents farm to put them to their new temporary home. This year I am facing the hives due south. I think it should work out great. The location is ideal for many reasons; very close to a deep pond (for water), bellow some mature maple trees which provide shade during the hottest parts of the day, they near an earth mound which will reduce the prevailing winds and they are easily accessible to me.

I took a look under the cover of the white box and the bees seem to be very congested. I think I am going to add an empty box with empty comb in it for them to keep busy. I do not need them to start swarming on me.
During the day there was a lot more activity at the white hive. They are definitely the stronger of the two. The blue hive will need some feeding to help it build up. I want the hives to be at their strongest come time for the flow; but I also want them to be healthy.
I finished off the day by discing the plowed field. I am preparing it for the clover seed. I am going to need a nice day or two of drying before I can start seeding it. It sure does look good though. I cannot wait to have it planted. I plan on bringing back the above bees for when the clover blooms.

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