Thursday, April 1, 2010

Clover Field Plowing

Last night my dad showed me exactly how to plow a field. We are borrowing a small plow from an uncle and we have it on our small loader tractor. My dad is used to plowing with a 6 or 7 furrow; but this small one is a 3 furrow (even easier to use). Like I had said earlier, there is a pasture beside my beehives which is not really used and it has old grasses in it so I am plowing one of the available four acres to put clover in it. We are squaring up the awkward angle part of the pasture.

Here is a picture of the single hives which are side by side and they no longer have the insulation around them. They look a bit odd. As you can see there is a lot of activity. Today after work, I went to my parents farm and cleaned their new home up by cutting off some dead branches which will be above their hives. Last thing I need is a dead branch breaking off and destroying my hives. I plan on moving them early in the morning. The location is roughly 7 kms as the crow flies. This is a perfect distance; for the bees will not make their way back to their original location.
This shows the hustle and bustle of my two larger hives. They too were taking advantage of the nice weather and collecting lots of pollen and water.

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