Monday, July 4, 2011

Honey Flow: Alfalfa

It appears as through one of my hives is enjoying a strong honey flow. I placed empty drawn out frames in their hive 2 weeks earlier and they are putting in a lot of honey and they are capping some even. This will insure that I do receive a honey crop this year.
Honey being capped
This is my blue hive; when I was inspecting it a few weeks ago, I found a swarm queen had emerged and so I did a split and placed my old queen in a new hive beside. This hives' new queen is laying well and the workers are collecting lots of honey.
Side view of honey cells.
A peak into the more center frames show capped frames. In retrospect, I should have taken the frame out to take a picture! It looks like I have a lot of really nice and clear honey.
Capped honey frames
A big thanks going out to my neighbour who has a field of alfalfa in bloom! The bees couldn't have done it as fast without you!

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