Thursday, October 7, 2010

When a parasite and a virus combine...

Many news agencies from the United States are reporting that scientists are fairly confident that they may have found a major culprit in the colony collapse disorder that has been widespread in the last couple of years. They are claiming that a combination of a rare fungus (parasite) and a virus makes for a quick collapse in the colonies.

They have been screening samples for 30 000 different disease markers and the piles of data all have these combinations of a parasite and a virus. The bees can live with one of them at a time. Apparently the fungus is cause by damp conditions. This even further hits home for the importance of a screened bottom board and good ventilation on the tops of hives throughout winters!

Check out the links to see the article and video:

CBS News: Microscopic Combo Suspected in Killing Bees

CBS News: Microscopic Combo Suspected in Killing Bees VIDEO

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