Tuesday, September 14, 2010

State of Affairs

Since I have fallen behind on my posts a bit; here is an update to my hive situation. I have transferred my nucleus hive into a full sized box. I have also been feeding them a bit of sugar syrup so that they can build up enough stores for the winter. They seem to have a very strong population and they do not have much for diseases it seems.
Strong honey bee population, hive top feeder beside.
I have been worried about my white hive which I have re-queened with an expensive queen with supposed good genetics. I had not seen much new brood in the last couple inspections. But when I pulled out the first frame, this is the sight I saw:
What a relief! The queen is alive!
I also have taken the honey super off of these hives and placed them onto my much stronger hives at my parents property. I am hoping that those hives are able to top up the boxes!
Current view of the apiary.
Does not look like much any more!
I just placed some feeders on the two larger hives. I will be feeding them syrup in the morning.

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