Tuesday, September 14, 2010

2nd Annual: Beekeeping Reunion

 On August 29th I had the pleasure of hosting the annual "bee swarm". We are a group of friends who are hobby beekeepers. Everyone came to my place and we enjoyed a BBQ and then we took a look at my hives.
The bees were very gentle and everyone seemed to like my hive lids.
We also went through pictures that we had taken over the last year and shared our stories. I shared my video of the swarming and we talked about how to deal with swarming, etc. Everyone in our group had swarms come out of their hives this year (including a swarm on the day of the meeting)! Everyone seemed to be bitter about that.
Me standing beside the 'monster' hive. This hive was 4 frames in May.
We were fortunate to have a beautiful day and the bees were all on their best behavior. My girls made me proud!

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