Tuesday, September 28, 2010

News Article: Where the Swarm Concurs

There is a new book out regarding the interesting phenomenom called Swarming. The book is called HoneyBee Democracy and it is written by Thomas D. Seeley.

Thomas Seeley has been studying honey bees for decades and he does his research on a barren island. I believe he was the same man to film a swarm along its path of travel.

Interesting Facts from News Article:
Drone bees search out proper nesting sites and report back to the hive and share the location and the quality of the site with other drones. These drones will visit other drone 'selected sites' and judge for themselves and report that back to the drones. There is no 'leader' and they all have equal say. Pretty cool.

This is definitely a book that I will be adding to my list.

See the book at Chapters/Indigo:

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