Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Marathon Beekeeping

Today I did the most beekeeping I have ever done while doing my regular (going to work) routine. I got out of bed at 6:20 and prepared for going to work.
6:50 am:  Outside and reinforcing my poor hive stand to prepare for the evening event
7:05 am: Treated two colonies with foul brood powder (sprinkled 18g per hive onto top bars)
7:20 am: Cleaned hive top feeders on the two treated hives and added final Fumagilin-B treatment (4l of syrup made the night before for each hive)
7:30 am: Cleaned hive top feeder of the hive which I will be doing a newspaper combine with and took the inner cover to be used in the evening.
7:50 am: Loaded car and cleaned smoker, etc...

Went to work.

6:20pm: Treated two colonies with foul brood powder (sprinkled 18g per hive onto top bars)
             Added formic acid pads to both colonies
             Removed the third box of my 'monster' hive and brought it to my other apiary.
7:30pm: Did a newspaper combine of the monster hive top box and my single box colony.
             Placed the hive top feeder on the top box and fed the final Fumagilin-B treatment to that hive.
7:40 pm: Beautiful sunset

All I got for doing all this work for my bees was a sting in the belly. It stung pretty good. I have to buy a bee suit!

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