Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Dose of 2010 Venom...

Today I took advantage of the nice weather and removed the insulation from the between all of the inner covers and the telescoping covers. I tilted the hives forward and they seemed to still be quite heavy, so I am confident that they will have enough until we get a bit of nectar flow.
 The white hive also had its cover upside down intentionally to allow air to come in. Because of this, I had to pop it off and put it the right way. Unfortunately all of the bees are in the top box. My bee veil came in handy; as did my smoker. But none the less; I was reckless and forgot to tuck in my shirt and I got a bee up my back and it stung me... So much for my attempt to go without getting a sting this year! I also took the time to take off my mouse guard so that the bees had less of a hard time to clean out the hive.

I also took a look at the bottom board of the green hive and noticed that there were a lot of dead bees. This makes sense. If you remember a previous post; I found a lot more dead bees in the white hive and was impressed/confused about the green hives lack of dead bees. Sure enough they pretty much had the same amount after what I found today. Their mouse guard hindered the bees from being able to clean off their bottom board. I popped off the landing board and slid the bottom board out and cleaned it out in no time.

I will have to check my single box hives again to make sure they are not trapped in!

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