Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Years Resolutions?

Happy 2010!

This has been an interesting year so far. Unfortunately it has been very cold. Well, the weather has been very typical of the region but I still feel bad for my colonies. They have been experiencing temperatures between -8C to -15C for the last week or more. I’ve been more conscious of the weather since I have been keeping bees. During the winter I can really notice the stormy and bitterly cold days.  Spring time will be a testament as to how well I prepared my colonies and how harsh the winter may have been. Luckily this year winter started quite late. This allowed me to feed my hives abundant amounts of syrup (they kept taking it in!). My colonies started to cluster towards the end of November.

I’ve just ordered pollen patties for the first time this week. I will hopefully be able to give my colonies a bit of kick start this spring. Further research will have to be done to find out when patties should be fed in my area.

For Christmas I received a subscription for American Bee Journal. There is an amazing amount of great articles in it. Check it out if you get the chance.

My new years resolution: try to maintain a steady amount of posts!

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