Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dead Hive: Autopsy report & Queen sandwich

 Last weekend I was finally able to take apart and clean the 'starved' out hive at my farm. To say it was depressing is an understatement.

The population of the hive seemed massive. Oddly enough the bees on the frame were not down in the cells like I had suspected a starved out hive to be. I was trying very hard to find the queen and I knew it was like finding a needle in a haystack. I was very curious as to how far she made it in the starvation. Would the bees keep feeding her until the last drop of honey was consumed? I found a frame that had a sandwich of bees on it.
The last stand: See queen marked with blue near center.
 I was amazed to find that they had kept the queen alive until the very end. This is most definitely a depressing sight, but amazing none the less. There was no honey left at all in this hive.

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