I inspected two of my hives for any indication of swarming. There were some swarm cups present but none had any eggs in them. The honey crop looks good.
Here are some pictures of the honey super that I put on top of my super strong hive on July 19th. It was completely brand new everything. The bees had to draw out all the comb and fill it. They are probably 3/4 or more full now. They are starting to cap some of it. The frame shown is an outermost frame. The honey is super clear and the wax is pure white. There is an alfalfa field which had been in full bloom for the last couple of weeks. I imagine my girls got a bit into that.
See propolis attached to the bees legs on the right! |
Outside frame |
dripped honey from frame manipulation. See how clear and tongues out! |
Under the top box. |
A true maze of connecting comb through queen excluder. |
By using short honey supers, I will be able to lift them off! It should also allow me to get different types of blooms with different tastes!
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