Friday, December 9, 2011

Article: Bees Mimic Brain Neurons

A new interesting article has come out from Cornell University about the way that bees collaborate amongst the scout drones to decide on the best site for swarming to. This sounds a whole lot like the book I bought about the same topic. It is probably because the author is the same person who did this study. His name is Tom Seeley; his book "Honeybee Democracy" is very interesting.

The article is very interesting, but it does not seem like new information to me because I read his book last year. The most important information I got out of his book is essentially how to design the best swarm capturing box. I should have installed a couple of those boxes around my hives last year. I lost a nucleus hive to a swarm.

Check out the article below:

News Article: Bee Behavior Mimics Brain Neuron Function