(This post was lost by Blogger, and was promised to be repaired. Apparently I am one one the 0.16% of people who lost my posts. This was originally posted on Thursday).Finally some spring time weather has arrived. We are out in the fields cultivating to prepare for planting.
I opened up my hives and inspected them and treated them against American Foulbrood disease with a premixed powder.
Low activity, no pollen coming in! |
Why are there no eggs dropping? |
The green hive is quite disappointing. I am frustrated with the bees and the queen. She is not laying yet and the bees are not taking in any pollen.
Lots of activity, pollen and nectar coming in. |
The white hive is doing very well. I treated them with the premix AFB treatment and I also reversed the top super (heavy) with the bottom super(fairly light). The idea is that the bees will better fill the hive when doing so. Some beekeepers disagree with doing so. In between the frames the bees had laid some drone larvae. The bottom picture has a varroa mite circled.
Can you guys see the mite? |
The blue hive is just buzzing with activity. I took out some frames to inspect and this is what I saw. So many bees. They too have a few drones buzzing around the hives.
Lots of bees on the frames. The queen has been busy laying! |
To my surprise, I found some swarm cells at the bottom of the frames! This is not necessarily an indication that the bees are planning to swarm. There were no eggs in these cells. Crazy to see though.
Swarm cups on the bottom of the frame. |
Let's hope that this post does not get erased and lost!
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