Friday, March 25, 2011

Colony: The Endangered World of Bees

I have just seen another newsarticle recommending a Independant film which has won several film festival awardss. This documentary is called "Colony: The Endangeres World of Bees". It will be realease on DVD March 29th!
Colony: The Endangered World of Bees
(Available March 29, 2011)
I hope I will be able to rent it at my local video store or I may have to buy it through an online store.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Some activity! Bees flying around

Today we had one of the first "mild" days of the year where were saw temperatures around 8 deg C. Because of this temperature a couple of brave bees were able to get out of the hive and do some cleansing flights. I took the liberty to take off the mouse guards and scrape out any dead bees that had accumulated on the bottom board. This will make less work for the worker bees and make sure that they are not trapped in the hive with no way to get out.
Lots of snow melting around the yard.

Some bees checking out what is going on.
A pile of bees that were scrapped out from the bottom board.
A bee crawling back onto the bottom board after a cleansing flight.
All three hives at home seemed quite active. The two sheltered hives were just humming and the outside hive had lots of bees on the bottom board.