Friday, February 25, 2011

iPhone app to detect swarming vs. Apidictor

I personally do not have a cellphone on me at all times but I am typically concious of the new technologies and applications which are being developed. The newest potential app caugth my eye.

As explained in the article, scientists observed a couple of hives (not enough hives to make a valid study) to find out what goes on when the hive is ready to swarm. They have found that the bees make more vibrations for a couple of nights previous to swarming. I believe that this is due to the fact that the queen has stopped laying eggs and so their is less work for the nurse bees to do.

Since the iPhone has built in acclerometers, the scientists have figured out a way measure changes in a hive to detect when a hive is about to swarm.

News Article: iPhones app to detect swarming

This reminds me off an electronic circuit designed to detect swarms. It is called an Apidictor. It is described as the ability that humans have to pick up a conversation at a party. Essentially the ability to single out a noise. It was invented by a Mr. E.F. Woods. Follow the next link to find out the awesome story behind it. Seems to be a powerful thing if you can master it. Apidictor

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hive top powered ventilators

I had read an article a few weeks ago about how useful these new powered hive top ventilators. The picture bellow is from a great beekeeping site(Bee; where the author claims that they work very well. It does the work of the bees when it gets really hot in the hive. Instead of a lot of bees fanning the hive, the built in fan ventilates the hive quickly and allows the bees to do more important things (like collect lots of nectar and pollen). This outfit uses a digital thermometer to measure the temperature in the hive. The thermometer is attached to a thermostat which turns on a fan (similar to a brush less computer fan) to pull the air out until the hive reaches the desired temperature. This outfit is also used during the winter.
Bee Cool hive ventilator
To help the bees during the heat of the summer I use a mesh bottom board, a slatted rack and a passive ventilator. I am curious to know how this system works compared to mine. Hive location is also key to avoid overheating. I place my hives so that they are shaded during the hottest times of the day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Documentary: Queen of the Sun

I just found this documentary called Queen of the Sun. It is a limited release movie about the collapse of honey bees all around the world. In this movie, it appears as though they visit many different types of beekeepers from all around the world who practice natural or biodynamic methods of keeping bees. It also goes into the spiritual aspect of keeping bees.

Watch the trailer:

Trailer of 'Queen of the Sun'

This guy is pretty intense in the trailer. He opens his beehives with no shirt or veil on. It also says that he is 70yrs old.

They plan on releasing this DVD sometime this summer. I would definitely be interested in seeing it!
Queen of the Sun