Friday, May 14, 2010

Wind and snow storm!

The past weekend I have had to deal with some pretty nasty weather. Friday night we had a massive wind storm with winds reaching 60 to 70 kph. This is what I noticed the next day.
 Yes, the wind knocked my trellis right down. It was also too windy to attempt to put it back up.
 It luckily missed most of the growing plants. I really need to do a thorough cleaning job to my flower beds and I should likely plant some flowers in them.
 The next morning there was snow overnight. Just a light sprinkling but it definitely is the thought of snow and the fact that it was cold enough for the snow to stick around for most of the day.
The following day I was able to get my brother to help me push the trellis back up onto its' 4 feet and we put in some stakes and screwed the sides to it. When the weather permits, I will replace these ugly stakes and those side boards with something a bit better looking.

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