Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nucleus Hives : Emergency queens emerged

I had the chance the other night to check on my nucleus hives and the one hive has had some emergency queens emerge (the queen cells are opened) on the bottom but their was no evidence of a laying queen. The queens that emerge will go for their mating flights over the next couple of days and once they are done with their flights, then they will begin laying. I want to see the brood pattern of a laying queen to determine how good she is. I am no longer in a rush to requeen my hives.
Frames are mostly covered by bees and all drawn out except for outside frame sides.
Notice the bee space between the wax foundation
I also had the chance to take a look at the honey supers which I had added May 16th. These frames were brand new and completely empty on that date. All of the frames are now mostly drawn out and filled with honey. I would say they are a good third done filling that super; which is insane. I am going to have to start making more frames!

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