Monday, March 8, 2010

Single HIves' Cleansing Flights!

Another beautiful day (high of +7C) allowed my recently dug out single body hives to do a bit of spring cleaning and some cleansing flights. As you can see by the above picture, the left side hive was able to do more work than the right side. I lifted up the front flaps and the left side clearly had things cleared up.The right side seemed to be plugged up more with dead bees. I used a thin bladed knife and scrapped out the bees and I cleared up their entrance and a couple even came out to check what was going on. Another nice day will allow them to come out and take their flights.
In continuing with yesterdays immature jokes, here is a picture of most of the possible bee poops. The blob, the straight line, the squiggly line and the dotted line. The bees must have rested on the roof of the hive and done their business.

Some people may question my assistance to my bees but I do it because I only have two full hives and two single box hives. My one single box hive is a swarm that I caught at the end of August. Another beekeeper told me that it would be impossible for them to survive the winter; I donated some of frames from my strong colonies to it and I fed it sugar syrup like crazy. All my hives are looking like they have made it through the winter.

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