Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hurting less...

It has been 4 weeks since I  broke my thumb and it is starting to feel a bit better. It is still not healed but it is on its way. I have a bit of mobility with it but it still hurts quite a bit when I touch anything. It seems to be very sensitive to the touch. The nail also looks like it is on its way off. There is definitely a long way to go to get my full movement back. When I do move my thumb, I can feel the broken bone ache (so I stop)...

In other news, it appears as though the weather is going to get nicer this weekend; so I hope to see my bees out and about for some cleansing flights. The sun has been really out this week. It has reached the turning point where I have the sun in my face for my drive into work and on the drive home. The days are getting longer! Spring is near!

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