Monday, February 15, 2010

Pre-Spring Cleanup?

I checked out my hives yesterday and my strongest hive seems to be pulling out some of their dead. What impresses me is that they seem to start pulling out their dead as soon as the weather is -5C or higher and when it is nice and sunny out. I never thought that they would venture out of the hive if it was not nicer than +5C. To clarify, it does not appear as though they are going on cleansing flights. It appears as if they just push the dead far enough out of the entrance so that the wind will eventually take the bodies off the landing. The mouse guard looks rather plugged, so I may pull it off on a nice day and scrape out as much as possible. I want the bees to be able to get out if there ever is a nice enough day to go for a cleansing flight!

Ps: my broken thumb is feeling better; but is far from being back to normal.

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