Saturday, January 30, 2010

Buried Alive (I hope)

We've had Arctic weather here for the last 4 days. We've had average temperatures between -7C to -20C. We also had a fair amount of snow for a few days. My single box hives which I have stored side by side in an insulated box with a lid is now completely buried in snow. The temperatures are too cold for the bees to escape and go for cleansing flights so I am not too concerned. I just hope they are doing alright. They have 5" of shavings above their hives which I hope is absorbing the moisture they are creating when they uncap their honey and that some of the moisture can escape from the bottom entrance (eventhough warm air rises)....
My other hives look good. I knocked the snow off of the left hive and I put my ear to the hive and could hear them buzzing! They are still alive!

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